In speaking with attendees and observing the interactions over the evening, the Foundation Fundraiser held at the Batemans on November 23rd seems to have been an unqualified success. People freely circulated through the house and had a good time in conversation with fellow Rotarians and their spouses. Having appetizers and desserts as finger food, as opposed to a sit-down meal, seemed to promote such interaction, as did having it in the homey, comfortable and relaxed environment of the Bateman's house. This appears to be a good formula for some social events. Several members have already volunteered the use of their home for similar future endeavours.
Thirty-seven members and spouses attended, and $1195 was raised. These monies will be a separate line item in our budget, and will act as seed money for next year's World Community Service project for which we will apply for matching grants from our District and RI. The newly formed WCS Committee of Bruce Burns, Jinny Hambly, Stuart Lang and I will keep you posted on our progress in this new venture.
This endeavour could not have taken place had it not been for the Club's enthusiastic and generous support. Many thanks are due to the Batemans for opening their home to us, to the Smiths for supplying a great selection and quantity of wine, to the participants for not only coming out, but also supplying a rich variety of delicious desserts and appetizers, and to the four generous members who did not attend, but still contributed $50 or more to the fundraiser. The WCS Committee is gratefied by the Club's response.
Cheers, John Bardsley
Peter Bradley fired up his digital camera and captured a few moments from the get-together:
Party Princess...
Stuart holds court in the kitchen...

Cozy kitchen conversation klatches

Lady in Red...

The boys caught in the the act with the appies...