Sunday, November 18, 2007

More on the BBQ

From Marie:

A big thank you is in order for those Rotarians who braved the wind and rain to serve up those delicious M & M hamburgers and was a miserable day but a fun time for the guys and girls who came out to support the opening of the new M & M store who 's owner Dave Lansdale ( a former Rotarian) now residing in Calgary. This is his fourth store, to be managed by his daughters. He's going to present $1500.00 to our Club to be used towards the children's water spray park at Tulista. A special thank you to Kenny Podmore for co-ordinating the event and for putting in all those extra hours. Well done....Kenny, John Bardsley, Marie Rosko, Stuart Lang, Don Bateman, Judy Smith, Vic Swan, Karen and Tim, Lloyd Kruger, Jinny Hambly, Marilyn Loveless, Bert Stevens and John Treleaven. Another "Service above Self" happening!

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