District 5020 of Rotary International — Sidney, Vancouver Island, British Columbia CANADA
Denise waggles her finger at Noel, letting him know that this doesn't get him 'off the hook' for any misdemeanors — past, present or future....
Noel does the honours with Denise's Paul Harris pin.
Peter exercises his presidential prerogative of hugging our Paul Harris recipients.
President Peter pins Noel — who also received a Paul Harris Fellowship — but deems it wise to forego a Harris Hug with him....
Marie Rosko gets set to get pinned by Peter, in recognition of her Paul Harris Fellowship.
Marie prepares to be hugged!
John Bardsley gets a little lovin' from Peter in recognition of his next level of Paul Harris Fellowship.
Peter praises Beryl, Don Bateman and John for their dedication to Rotary and to the club's success.