On January 10th, we took the opportunity to recognize the efforts and talents of Peter and Anne Marie Brimacombe. They were the sparks that got everyone ignited and excited about becoming involved in this great production. SBS Rotary deeply appreciates the community spirit that brought them to seek us out as partners for this production. It may have been a bit challenging at times as we learned all the ins and outs of mounting a production like this, but the effort was worth it. These funds take us one step closer to making a children's water spray park a reality here in Sidney. (The TOTAL raised so far for this project is a whopping $101,104.07!)

Peter and Anne Marie were only able to briefly drop in to our meeting, but it was time enough for us to give them a certificate of thanks and a standing ovation. They in turn presented President Peter with a cheque for the $19,544.73.

But recognition was due to a couple of other key players in the production: Kenny Podmore and Clive Tanner. Still in dancing mode, they made their way to the podium, executing perfect pliés at the front of the room.

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