Thursday, December 13, 2007


Thanks to Bert and Marolyn for all their hard work in making our annual Christmas Dinner evening such a wonderful event. We'll certainly miss having Theo's banquet hall for events in the future. We were reminded that SBS Rotary's charter night was held in that very same room. Beryl did the honours as Emcee, and President Peter presided over the more 'official' parts of the evening.

We took advantage of the night's festivities to induct an impressively attired Duncan Cameron into the club.

Duncan was sponsored by Kenny, who did the pinning honours.

And there were more celebrations to come. Bert presented Marolyn with a Paul Harris fellowship...
...and Judy was presented with her third Paul Harris. Very impressive!

Bert had arranged some great entertainment for us, in the person of Eric Roberts. Eric has an uncanny knack of impersonating the singing voices of such legends as Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson. He even threw in a little bit of Don Ho — singing "Tiny Bubbles" while Marilyn fluttered about the room blowing bubbles to add to the song's ambience (below).


Full House!

Happy fellas...

Bell ringer...

Guerra Gals

Santa and Sophie

Fraser needs a tailor...

Hilda begins her clown apprenticeship...

Happiness is...a kid at Christmas!

Monday, December 10, 2007


Judy provided these salient details:

  • Married Dec 5 Abkhazi Gardens, in the house

  • Beautiful sunny day

  • Tim's kids—Elliott and Jory

  • Karen's girls—Kate and Maude

  • Served champagne and wonderful appies

  • Honeymooned at the Aerie and The Pier Hotel

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


In speaking with attendees and observing the interactions over the evening, the Foundation Fundraiser held at the Batemans on November 23rd seems to have been an unqualified success. People freely circulated through the house and had a good time in conversation with fellow Rotarians and their spouses. Having appetizers and desserts as finger food, as opposed to a sit-down meal, seemed to promote such interaction, as did having it in the homey, comfortable and relaxed environment of the Bateman's house. This appears to be a good formula for some social events. Several members have already volunteered the use of their home for similar future endeavours.

Thirty-seven members and spouses attended, and $1195 was raised. These monies will be a separate line item in our budget, and will act as seed money for next year's World Community Service project for which we will apply for matching grants from our District and RI. The newly formed WCS Committee of Bruce Burns, Jinny Hambly, Stuart Lang and I will keep you posted on our progress in this new venture.

This endeavour could not have taken place had it not been for the Club's enthusiastic and generous support. Many thanks are due to the Batemans for opening their home to us, to the Smiths for supplying a great selection and quantity of wine, to the participants for not only coming out, but also supplying a rich variety of delicious desserts and appetizers, and to the four generous members who did not attend, but still contributed $50 or more to the fundraiser. The WCS Committee is gratefied by the Club's response.

Cheers, John Bardsley


Peter Bradley fired up his digital camera and captured a few moments from the get-together:

Party Princess...

Stuart holds court in the kitchen...

Cozy kitchen conversation klatches

Lady in Red...

The boys caught in the the act with the appies...

Saturday, December 1, 2007


Jinny sends along the following about our poinsettia sales fundraising efforts:

A huge thank you to our members who helped with the success of the poinsettias this year—taking orders, managing the orders, our auditors, sorters, and deliverers (in particular, spouses). It is getting to be a rather large undertaking for one day. We delivered 945 poinsettias on Thursday!! That means we made about $3,800 dollars for our efforts [UPDATE: ACTUAL FINAL TOTAL: $4,100] . Marie has additional orders for the other 2 Peninsula Rotary Clubs and the Airport, many thanks Marie. Congratulations for a fund raising job well done, we couldn't have done it without you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hardy Rotarians braved the cold of a clear, moonlit Saturday night to do a little fund-raising by selling hot chocolate to the masses of folks who surged down Beacon Avenue to watch the Lighted Sailpast after the Sidney Sparkles parade. Thanks to Judy for making sure that we all had what we needed to keep the hot chocolate flying over the counter as fast as we could make it! Maria and Meredith got great facials, working over the steaming pots mixing up the hot chocolate. Highly recommended—with a bonus of aromatherapy from the effects of inhaling the scent of chocolate! Judy sent along the following:
Jinny did the numbers on the hot chocolate and we pulled in $664.65 I would like to thank Maria, Meredith, Horst, John Bardsley, Jinny, Fraser, Theresa Scrivens, Marie and the two main electrical and hot water managers—Jim and Rick.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Joan Firkins was our guest speaker on November 22nd -- speaking to us about—what else?—the Rotary Foundation. Joan is our former District Governor, and currently the District's champion of the Rotary Foundation. She gave us a great presentation about the kinds of projects the Foundation supports around the world, and also shared with us her deeply personal connection to a few of them, including Polio Plus in particular.

We took advantage of Joan's presence to have her present a number of Paul Harris Fellowships to some terrific SBS Rotarians. This was particularly appropriate, given that November is Rotary Foundation month.

Paul Harris recipients Stuart Lang, Del Wergeland, District Rotary Foundation Chair Joan Firkins, John Bardsley, John's wife Ann Doran, and Jinny Hambly.

Jinny Hambly receives her Paul Harris. Jinny's husband Lou Sontra was on hand to help her celebrate.

We were very pleased to have Del Wergeland come back to visit us and receive her Paul Harris from Joan. We hope that once she's a little less strapped for time, she'll be able to once again join us on Thursday mornings.

Stuart Lang receives his Paul Harris from Joan. Stuart's wife Hilda joined us for breakfast to see Stuart honoured.

Joan presented John Bardsley with his Paul Harris, but it was his wife, Ann, who did the honours when it came time to "pin" John—after she had us all (including John) getting a bit teary-eyed relating the story about how she fell in love with the heart and soul of this fine man.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

More on the BBQ

From Marie:

A big thank you is in order for those Rotarians who braved the wind and rain to serve up those delicious M & M hamburgers and was a miserable day but a fun time for the guys and girls who came out to support the opening of the new M & M store who 's owner Dave Lansdale ( a former Rotarian) now residing in Calgary. This is his fourth store, to be managed by his daughters. He's going to present $1500.00 to our Club to be used towards the children's water spray park at Tulista. A special thank you to Kenny Podmore for co-ordinating the event and for putting in all those extra hours. Well done....Kenny, John Bardsley, Marie Rosko, Stuart Lang, Don Bateman, Judy Smith, Vic Swan, Karen and Tim, Lloyd Kruger, Jinny Hambly, Marilyn Loveless, Bert Stevens and John Treleaven. Another "Service above Self" happening!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cooking up a Water Spray Park

SBS Rotarians didn't let a little rain keep them from their appointed tasks, working the BBQ for the Grand Opening of the new M&M Meat Shop in Sidney. The store's owners are supporting our fund-raising efforts for the water spray park.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Chairperson: Lianne Macdonald

RCSBS has applied to send local high school students to the Rotary Adventure in Citizenship event April 27th through 30th, 2008 in Ottawa, and also the 5020 Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly March 6th through 9th,2008, in Tacoma, WA. The Adventures in Citizenship scholarship provides a unique opportunity for a selected group of young Canadians to come together and gain a better understanding of our country. Through meetings with political leaders, senior officials, and others, they learn a great deal about the workings of our democratic institutions. Through meeting one another and having discussions amongst themselves, the students learn to appreciate the diversity of Canada and the privileges and responsibilities of citizenship. The Rotary Youth Leadership Assembly scholarship is a training program for young leaders. It emphasizes leadership, citizenship and personal growth and provides high school juniors and seniors with a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of top notch leaders, motivational speakers and leadership styles.

Youth Exchange and Youth Programs:

  • Interact: Rick Patterson and the student assigned teacher Ann McLean continue to liaise with Interact Students. Their meetings are Mondays at 11:20 a.m. and all Rotarians are welcome to drop in any time. Members are encouraged to keep abreast of the workings of the Interact kids as they are our future Rotarians.
  • Youth Protection and Youth Protection Officer: Our Club has adopted the Rotary District 5020 Youth Exchange Abuse and Harassment Guidelines. We have appointed a Rotary Youth Protection Officer - Judy Smith. In this role, Judy must ensure that those of us who have continued contact with youth sign a Youth Volunteer Affidavit and submit to a Criminal Records search prior to carrying out our volunteer duties. Additionally, Judy is trained to respond in the event a youth alleges that a Rotarian has been abusive, harassing, or otherwise inappropriate. At present, no Club members need to register with Judy, as our contact with youth is classified as 'casual' conduct only. These rules will come in to play if our Club elects to have a Rotary Exchange Student in the future.

Community Service:

  • Water Spray Park Work: The Nutcracker committee is working hard to complete RCSBS's commitment to this fund raising concert for our water spray park. Things are going well. Nearly all sponsors are arranged and membership should watch for advertisements of the event and plan to attend with friends and family. The Water Spray Park Committee has been expanded and includes the following members: Lianne Macdonald, Marie Rosko, Peter Guerra, Don Bateman, Vic Swan, Noel Currie, Jim Scrivens, John Bardsley, Stuart Lang, Bruce Burns, Pat Bonser, John Treleaven, Ken Podmore, and Dave Douglas (don't think I've forgotten anyone). While we raise the last of our funds, the Committee is working hard to update our budget, review the applicable health regulations, determine the appropriate type of drainage, ascertain the operating costs, and determine a construction time line for the work.
  • Reverse Draw - - Final Numbers. We made $19,001.46!!!!!!!!! Congratulations and thanks to all for your work.

World Community Service Projects:

  • This new committee was formed just this month and is headed up by Bruce Burns and Don Bateman. It will continue to support Project Unity initiative and identify appropriate WCS activity for RCSBS. A budget will be identified for the Committee's good works and international projects for our Club will be identified. Funds from our upcoming social at Don Batemans will likely for the seed money for the works of this Committee.

Sad News - Allotment Garden
It is with some sadness that we must report that the Saanich Peninsula Allotment Garden Society has been dissolved. The Board of the society donated back to the Club all funds that they had in their possession (just over $700) before dissolving. Apparently, after their relationship with land owner Annie Scoons was terminated, they were unable to find a new location from which to operate. This should stand as a lesson for our Club that we should not expend significant capital amounts and efforts to improve the lands of private property owners, however well intentioned.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Marie Rosko, Chair
Pat Bonser, Administrative Assistant
Marilyn Loveless, Administrative Assistant

  • Hein Moes: Treasurer Assistant
  • Isabel Connor: Fall Fair Ice Cream Supervisor
  • Maria Kirley: Community Dinner/Canada Day/Bingo, with the assistance of John Bardsley and Horst Wiebe
  • Meredith Reeve: pamphlets/programs/posters/tickets; website
  • Noel Currie/John Bardsley/Bert Stevens: Sgt. at Arms
  • John Bruce: Fellowship/Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
  • Michele Holmes: curling and Kits for Kids
  • Pat Bonser: Penny jar
  • Jinny Hambly: poinsettias, with Marie


  • Christmas Dinner: Hein Moes, John Bardsley
  • Family Christmas Party: Karen Morgan
  • Sailpast Hot Chocolate: Judy Smith
  • Smile Cards: Judy Smith
  • Reverse Draw: Marie Rosko/Lianne Macdonald
  • Travel Raffle: Marie Rosko/Jinny Hambly
  • Guest Speakers: Linda Edgell
  • Bar Management: Hein Moes, Karen Morgan
  • Salvation Army Kettles: Vic Swan
  • Fireside Chats: Don Bateman
  • Pub Night: Michele Holmes
  • SHOAL Centre Liaison: Jinny Hambly
  • Sick & Visiting Coordinator: Pat Bonser
  • Val-U Books: Kenny Podmore

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Membership Madness!

"N" is for November—and also for NEW members!

At our November 1st meeting, we welcomed three new members to the Sidney by the Sea Rotary Club: Horst Weibe, Lloyd Gale and Kenny Podmore. So many fresh blossoms on our membership vine! Thanks to their sponsors for introducing them to the SBS Rotary Club: Lloyd Kruger proposed Kenny (who returns to SBS after an interlude at the Sidney Club); Judy Smith proposed Horst, and Kenny proposed Lloyd Gale.

We're not sure why they're all looking so glum...perhaps because they weren't yet members of the club???

Ah, the gang starts to relax: Lloyd and Kenny are all smiles after President Peter finishes the installation ceremony.

New member Kenny pins new member Lloyd Gale.

Judy completes the multi-member pinning extravaganza by collaring Horst.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


A list of potential business customers in Sidney was distributed at the last Rotary meeting. Four members have kindly offered to canvass selected areas. Another NINE canvassers are required. One does not have to actually up-sell the poinsettias and could just leave the green order form with the businesses and ask them to phone the canvasser with their order. A second visit back to inquire if they would like to place an order is crucial for sales and to advise of the delivery date.

We’ll be promoting the 6-inch/$10.00 plants as the larger ones will have to be a special order late on in the month (Marigold Nurseries are not producing the larger ones this year and will only be receiving them in late November).

Jinny and I will be handing out the necessary green order forms, maps and info sheets regarding plant care and delivery on Thursday, November 1st, and the following Thursday for those who have not stipulated their designated areas as yet.

Delivery will be Thursday, November 29th. Drivers with vans would be appreciated to help deliver the plants. They must be delivered in a closed unit as they are topical flowering plants and can not withstand cold or cold drafts for any length of time.Information regarding sales/designated areas/delivery can be made to Marie Rosko (656-2358/cell 858- 2241; or to Jinny (655-8823;

Thursday, October 25, 2007

This time we'll KNOW who's coming to dinner!

The club will be holding a Social Event specifically for the purpose of raising what could be a thousand dollars or more to get us going on Rotary Foundation fundraising for projects. The money remains in our club, a budgeted line item & starts us on a road to be able to request matching funds for any international service project the club may wish to pursue.

What is the event:
A Rotary Social, an evening of Wine, Hors d’Oeuvre and Fellowship

6.30 PM Friday 23 November

@ the Batemans

For Whom:
Rotarians, spouses, significant others

Cost $25.00 per person
Dress Casual

Rotarians will be asked to bring either their favorite dessert or appetizer. Wine and a non-alcoholic punch will be provided as will all other necessities such as glasses, plates etc.
We would hope to have at least 40 people and thus raise $1,000.00.

If you would like to participate, John Bardsley will be circulating a sign-up sheet. We could arrange rides to the Batemans thus enabling people to have an unconcerned very happy social evening.

Please respond indicating if your significant other will attend with you, which of the appetizer or dessert you will be bringing, and whether you want to participate in the taxi service. The $25 per person can be paid at any convenient time, preferably before the event.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


We may not be going to the polls in a federal election, but we had our own little referendum of sorts—on the matter of merging. Peter Bradley, sporting his best farmer-john-jeans-and-plaid-flannel-shirt sartorial splendour, this morning gave us the grand totals for the results of our semi-secret ballot.
  • Question 1, on the topic of whether we agreed in principle with the concept of a merger between the SBS and Sidney clubs: 28 YES, 3 NO.
  • Question 2, regarding whether we supported having two morning and two evening meetings a month: 15 YES, 15 NO, 1 NO ANSWER
  • Question 3, asking whether we would attend those meetings: 13 YES, 16 NO, 2 NO ANSWER
The end result (which apparently was quite similar at the Sidney club) is that at this point, we're not ready for a merger, but we'll continue to examine the possibilities, and in the meantime we'll endeavour to work even more closely on projects with the Sidney club—an evolution that has been gradually taking place anyway.


A little band of intrepid ditch-divers took to the edges of the Pat Bay Highway last Saturday, making our second round of keeping the "Beautiful" in "Beautiful BC" for 2007. The merry band included our fearless Ditch Director, Lloyd Kruger and a motley assortment of armed and dangerous Rotarians: Charlie Long, Meredith Reeve, Jinny Hambly, Pat Bonser, Peter Guerra, Lianne Macdonald, Hein Moes, and Bruce and Marg Burns.

We found car parts, bicycle wheels, car tires, kitchen chairs, realtor signs, lots of fast food detritus, coffee cups, pop bottles and beer cans (including one immense, economy-sized beer bottle, complete with rubber stopper), and Lianne's least favourite finds—snakes. Dead and alive. To quote Lianne:

"The first four were small and living and squirmy...YUK! The last one was actually dead but it was big and fat and by the time I came across that one I was ready to shed my own skin!"

See the fun you're missing??? Why not join us for the next outing...probably in the Spring. It'll be a great way to warm up to your summer tan — if the weather is as nice then as it was last Saturday.

Monday, October 15, 2007


I am sure most of SBS Rotarians know that the Reverse draw was a resounding success with little expense other than the prize money. We are looking at approximately $18,000.00 towards the water spray park. Patti Slegg of Slegg Lumber donated her winnings—$1000.00—back to the Club, as did Ron and Susan Gurney who each won $100.00. This brought our total gross to $31,200.00, with thanks to all of our fellow Rotarians who helped with ticket sales, producing the program, helping out that evening and decorating the hall. An excellent example of our Club working for a good cause with their time, energy, sales and fellowship. It was a great night! Lianne Macdonald is pulling her Service Club committee together to begin the job of organizing the construction of the water spray park. We are hoping for a early Spring start.

Marie Rosko and Ginny Hambley will be meeting this month to organize the annual Christmas Poinsettias sales. Please start to think of all those people who would love to have a beautiful Poinsettias either as a gift or to grace their home. Delivery will be at the end of November to allow everyone to relax and enjoy the Christmas December season.

— Marie

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Guest speaker Bev Hoag gave us an extraordinary presentation about her participation in the Rotaplast program. Rotaplast facilitates surgical missions to developing countries to treat, free of charge, children born with cleft lip/cleft palate anomalies—deformities that can lead to serious malnutrition, child abandonment and social shunning. Through her Powerpoint presentation, Bev shared with us the things that touched her most about working with these children as a non-medical team member—both the heart-warming and the heart-breaking moments.

District 5020 will once again be participating in a Rotaplast mission in 2008. If you're interested in being a non-medical volunteer, check out the most recent edition of the district newsletter for more information. You can also visit the Rotaplast website at or Rotaplast Canada at

Thursday, October 4, 2007


The omens for October are indeed auspicious. We started it off by welcoming new member Len Mulholland. It seems like he's been coming to the club for ages; we're glad that he (and we) have finally made it official!

Below, it turns out it DOES pay to gamble....Dan Mercer from the Sidney Rotary Club hands over a cheque to Peter—our share of the proceeds from the games of chance booths at the Saanich Fall Fair. Thanks to all those Rotarians (and their assorted spouses, children and hangers-on) who put in all those hours, perfecting their best carnie barker skills.

Sunday, September 30, 2007


The Reverse Draw was a resounding success. Thanks to everyone who pitched in before, during and after the evening's event. As always, Rotarians demonstrated their sense of teamwork and community spirit, and made this fund-raiser a success not just in a monetary sense but in ensuring the evening was a fun occasion for all.

Kenny and John (above and below) keep guests guessing what the REAL definition of an 'arms-length' of 50/50 tickets is.

Corinne Coell provided great music to calm the jitters of those waiting in anticipation of their ticket being drawn.

Karen, before and after her Gypsy Rose Lee performance. Actually, she just had to have short sleeves in order for her to be able to legally draw the tickets (although she did seem to enjoy the moment!).

Lloyd dips into the draw tank—without having to do a striptease!

Noel takes his turn in the Vanna White role.

Clive Tanner cleans up in the 50/50 draw (above) and puts the voodoo on Marie as the draw gets down to the final four (below).

Marie presents Fraser Smith with a special certificate of appreciation for his considerable support for the water spray park project.

Lianne verifies the last few numbers with Linda, as the tension mounts.