Saturday, September 8, 2007

Speaking of Polio...

As a follow-up to Governor Norm Watts' comments about continuing Rotary's commitment to polio eradication, Don Bateman forwarded the following very relevant thoughts from Joan Firkins, Region 5020 Foundation Chair:

This week I would like to bring you up to date with information about the Rotary Foundation's #1 priority which is, of course, to eradicate the polio virus from the face of the earth. It is important that we keep this goal in mind, that we talk about it at our Rotary meetings and that we ensure our members know that it is realistic that we will eradicate polio.

As at August 28th,2007 there have been 420 cases of polio year to date ~355 cases in endemic countries and 65 in non-endemic. A reminder that the four endemic countries are Afghanistan, India, Pakistan and Nigeria. In the same period in 2006 there were 1,115 cases globally, 1,019 in endemic countries and 96 in non-endemic - 2007 therefore is showing a substantial decrease in polio cases being reported. The most amazing turnaround is in Nigeria ~ as at August 28th, there have been only 165 cases of polio vs. the same period in 2006 totalling 746 ! This is great news and we must keep up the fight! One of the problems at the moment is extreme flooding in Kano state in Nigeria which is hindering the immunization days.

So you can see that progress is being made in record numbers ~ I encourage you to have a club program on PolioPlus Partners and get a number of people involved in putting on the program. There is lots of information at and there is an abundance of information on the website. Invite your Interact or your Rotaract club to the meeting so that they can be informed about Rotary's involvement in polio; encourage your newer members to make a contribution to PolioPlus Partners so that they can be part of the success stories; most of all, be innovative in raising funds and along with everyone's continuing support we will achieve a polio free world!

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